ADA Contractor Las Vegas | Standards for Accessible Design

Welcome to ADA Contractors Las Vegas website


Dear Reader,

I am in the process of creating a new company that will be focused on construction in compliance with the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) as well as other disability related regulations. 

It will be related to construction of both new work and corrections. 

I have just put up this page to entice you to test your skills in looking at projects and testing your understanding of ADA related construction and answer questions. 


Please enjoy the photos shown on this page.  Can you figure out that is wrong with each?  Yes, it is a test!

At the bottom of this page are a list of potentially applicable regulations followed by Frequently Asked Questions.




Disability Related Regulation Reference Reminder Sheet


Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended 29 U.S.C. § 794

Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADA AG) of 1990 42 U.S.C. §§ 12101 et seq.

·         July 26, 1991 – Published date

·         January 26, 1992 – Additions and renovations construction

·         July 26, 1992 – Removing readily achievable barriers deadline

·         January 26, 1993 – New construction

·         January 26, 1995 – Structural Changes


·         September 15, 2010 – Published date

·         March 15, 2011 – Effective date

·         March 15, 2012 – New construction, alterations and barrier removal

Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations (California Physical Access Laws)

·         January 1, 2011 – Effective date  (Now being revised to 2010 standards – new version to take effect soon)

Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 42 U.S.C. §§ 3601 et seq.

·         1968 – Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act

·         1988 – Fair Housing Act Amendments

·         March 6, 1991 – U.S. department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) fair housing accessibility guidelines published

·         March 13, 1991 – Multifamily, condominium, and town homes of four or more units built for first occupancy construction

ADA Title II – ADA regulations that govern state and local government facilities

·         January 26, 1992 – Additions and remodels of state and local government facilities

·         January 26, 1993 – New construction of government facilities

·         July  26, 1992 – Transition plan deadline

·         January 26, 1995 – Structural Changes

ADA Title III – ADA regulations that governs public accommodations, commercial facilities, private educational facilities for secondary or post-secondary studies

·         July 26, 1991 – Published

·         January 26, 1992  –  Effective date

·         July 26, 1992 – Businesses  with 25 or fewer employees and gross receipts of $1,000,000 or less

·         January 26, 1993 – Businesses with 10 or fewer employees and gross receipts of $500,000 or less.

Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS) – of the Architectural Barriers Act, Article 9102, Texas Civil Statues

·         December 17, 1993 – Adopted by the Commission

·         April 1, 1994 – Effective date

·         2010 standards compatible version posted as a draft on TAS web site implementation imminent

UFAS Uniform Federal Accessi9bility Standards (UFAS) –



Frequently Asked Questions regarding ADA or Construction

Q. Is my commercial project required to comply with the ADA or other similar regulations?

A. There is a 99.9% chance that the answer is: Yes.


Q. what is the maximum slope for an ADA compliant standard ramp?

A. 8.3%


Q. Do all ramps need handrails?

A. Yes.


Q. What is the maximum ramp slope that I am allowed to construct without needing handrails?

A. 5% slope or less is not a ramp and therefore does not require handrails by ADA.


Q. What materials can I build my ramp from according to ADA?

A. Anything slip resistant and building code compliant.  Typically in Las Vegas we construct most exterior ramps from broom finished concrete.


Q. Is my commercial project or bathroom or commercial site or tenant improvement “Grandfathered” so that I do not have to comply with the ADA.

A. There is a 99.9% chance that the answer is: No.


Q. Is my commercial project or bathroom or commercial site or tenant improvement “Grandfathered” so that I do not have to comply with the ADA.

A. There is a 99.9% chance that the answer is: No.


Q. Is my church subject to ADA?  (We occasionally charge for day care OR have a bake sale OR car wash that charges a fee OR we get food or money from federal food programs OR we rent out rooms OR a hall for private activities like weddings or meetings.)


Q. Will the ADA have any effect on the eligibility criteria used by public accommodations to determine who may receive services?

Yes. If a criterion screens out or tends to screen out individuals with disabilities, it may only be used if necessary for the provision of the services. For instance, it would be a violation for a retail store to have a rule excluding all deaf persons from entering the premises, or for a movie theater to exclude all individuals with cerebral palsy. More subtle forms of discrimination are also prohibited. For example, requiring presentation of a driver's license as the sole acceptable means of identification for purposes of paying by check could constitute discrimination against individuals with vision impairments. This would be true if such individuals are ineligible to receive licenses and the use of an alternative means of identification is feasible.

Q. Does the ADA allow public accommodations to take safety factors into consideration in providing services to individuals with disabilities?

A. The ADA expressly provides that a public accommodation may exclude an individual, if that individual poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others that cannot be mitigated by appropriate modifications in the public accommodation's policies or procedures, or by the provision of auxiliary aids. A public accommodation will be permitted to establish objective safety criteria for the operation of its business; however, any safety standard must be based on objective requirements rather than stereotypes or generalizations about the ability of persons with disabilities to participate in an activity.

Q. Are there any limits on the kinds of modifications in policies, practices, and procedures required by the ADA?

Yes. The ADA does not require modifications that would fundamentally alter the nature of the services provided by the public accommodation. For example, it would not be discriminatory for a physician specialist who treats only burn patients to refer a deaf individual to another physician for treatment of a broken limb or respiratory ailment. To require a physician to accept patients outside of his or her specialty would fundamentally alter the nature of the medical practice.

Q. What kinds of auxiliary aids and services are required by the ADA to ensure effective communication with individuals with hearing or vision impairments?

Appropriate auxiliary aids and services may include services and devices such as qualified interpreters, assistive listening devices, notetakers, and written materials for individuals with hearing impairments; and qualified readers, taped texts, and Brailled or large print materials for individuals with vision impairments.

Q. Are there any limitations on the ADA's auxiliary aids requirements?

Yes. The ADA does not require the provision of any auxiliary aid that would result in an undue burden or in a fundamental alteration in the nature of the goods or services provided by a public accommodation. However, the public accommodation is not relieved from the duty to furnish an alternative auxiliary aid, if available, that would not result in a fundamental alteration or undue burden. Both of these limitations are derived from existing regulations and caselaw under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and are to be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Q. Are there any limitations on the ADA's barrier removal requirements for existing facilities?

Yes. Barrier removal need be accomplished only when it is "readily achievable" to do so.  See below.

Q. Are there other federal regulations related to ADA that make additional requirements?

A. Yes 504 requires that you spend 20% of all construction project costs to correct ADA deficiencies until all are fixed. 


Q. If prior occupants or owners or tenants did work and failed to expend the 20% am I still obligated to 20% of the total going back to the existence of ADA.

A. Yes

Q. What does the term "readily achievable" mean?

It means "easily accomplishable and able to be carried out without much difficulty or expense."

Q. What are examples of the types of modifications that would be readily achievable in most cases?

Examples include the simple ramping of a few steps, the installation of grab bars where only routine reinforcement of the wall is required, the lowering of telephones, and similar modest adjustments.

Q. Will businesses need to rearrange furniture and display racks?

Possibly. For example, restaurants may need to rearrange tables and department stores may need to adjust their layout of racks and shelves in order to permit access to wheelchair users.

Q. Will businesses need to install elevators?

Typically new businesses require elevators.   Existing buildings may not be required to retrofit their facilities to install elevators in unique cases, which is unlikely in most cases.

Q. When barrier removal is not readily achievable, what kinds of alternative steps are required by the ADA?

Alternatives may include such measures as in-store assistance for removing articles from inaccessible shelves, home delivery of groceries, or coming to the door to receive or return dry cleaning.

Q. Must alternative steps be taken without regard to cost?

No, only readily achievable alternative steps must be undertaken. (see 20% rule above)

Q. Who has responsibility for ADA compliance in leased places of public accommodation, the landlord or the tenant?

The ADA places the legal obligation to remove barriers or provide auxiliary aids and services on both the landlord and the tenant. The landlord and the tenant may decide by lease who will actually make the changes and provide the aids and services, but both remain legally responsible.

Q. What does the ADA require in new construction?

The question is too general.  This requires an analysis typically performed by an architect familiar with ADA or an ADA consultant.

Q. Is it expensive to make all newly constructed places of public accommodation and commercial facilities accessible?

The cost of incorporating accessibility features in new construction is less than one percent of construction costs. This is a small price in relation to the economic benefits to be derived from full accessibility in the future, such as increased employment and consumer spending and decreased welfare dependency.

Q. Must every feature of a new facility be accessible?

No, only a specified number of elements such as parking spaces and drinking fountains must be made accessible in order for a facility to be "readily accessible." Certain non-occupiable spaces such as elevator pits, elevator penthouses, and piping or equipment catwalks need not be accessible.

Q. What are the ADA requirements for altering facilities?

All alterations that could affect the usability of a facility must be made in an accessible manner to the maximum extent feasible. For example, if during renovations a doorway is being relocated, the new doorway must be wide enough to meet the new construction standard for accessibility. When alterations are made to a primary function area, such as the lobby of a bank or the dining area of a cafeteria, an accessible path of travel to the altered area must also be provided. The bathrooms, telephones, and drinking fountains serving that area must also be made accessible. These additional accessibility alterations are only required to the extent that the added accessibility costs do not exceed 20% of the cost of the original alteration.

Q. Does the ADA permit an individual with a disability to sue a business when that individual believes that discrimination is about to occur, or must the individual wait for the discrimination to occur?

The ADA public accommodations provisions permit an individual to allege discrimination based on a reasonable belief that discrimination is about to occur. This provision, for example, allows a person who uses a wheelchair to challenge the planned construction of a new place of public accommodation, such as a shopping mall, that would not be accessible to individuals who use wheelchairs. The resolution of such challenges prior to the construction of an inaccessible facility would enable any necessary remedial measures to be incorporated in the building at the planning stage, when such changes would be relatively inexpensive.

Q. How does the ADA affect existing State and local building codes?

Existing codes remain in effect. The ADA allows the Attorney General to certify that a State law, local building code, or similar ordinance that establishes accessibility requirements meets or exceeds the minimum accessibility requirements for public accommodations and commercial facilities. Any State or local government may apply for certification of its code or ordinance. The Attorney General can certify a code or ordinance only after prior notice and a public hearing at which interested people, including individuals with disabilities, are provided an opportunity to testify against the certification.

Q. What is the effect of certification of a State or local code or ordinance?

Certification can be advantageous if an entity has constructed or altered a facility according to a certified code or ordinance. If someone later brings an enforcement proceeding against the entity, the certification is considered "rebuttable evidence" that the State law or local ordinance meets or exceeds the minimum requirements of the ADA. In other words, the entity can argue that the construction or alteration met the requirements of the ADA because it was done in compliance with the State or local code that had been certified.

Q. How will the public accommodations provisions be enforced?

Private individuals may bring lawsuits in which they can obtain court orders to stop discrimination. Individuals may also file complaints with the Attorney General, who is authorized to bring lawsuits in cases of general public importance or where a pattern of practice of discrimination is alleged. In these cases, the Attorney General may seek monetary damages and civil penalties. Civil penalties may not exceed $55,000 for a first violation or $110,000 for any subsequent violation.

I recommend the following ADA consultants: (my company)


I recommend the following Nevada Licensed Contractors to construct ADA work:

Marsh Sullivan Construction Group:

Alliance Construction:


I recommend the following architects for ADA compliance assistance: